Areas of Expertise

Advisor Agent

For advisors and teams with $100M in AUM or $1M in revenue. we will represent you on an exclusive basis and will manage all due diligence on your behalf. We will help determine if you should join an existing firm or launch your own and we can facilitate the necessary capital needs. In addition, we will identify appropriate legal counsel to help mitigate risk during the transition phase.

Strategic Growth Audit

For wealth management firms, the Strategic Growth Audit is a one-day workshop followed by 30 days of coaching to help firms compete at the highest level. Together, you’ll create a competitive analysis based on 7 key benchmarks - custody, innovation, technology, compensation structure, and others - and execute on a results-driven growth strategy.

Recruiting Readiness Assessment

Prepare your business to recruit. It’s hyper competitive out there and before you jump into the recruiting game, you should make sure you are set up to be successful. In this 30 day engagement, we help analyze your firm’s offering to ensure you can compete. This assessment includes your website, social media assets, marketing collateral and your recruiting process. We will drill into your payout grid as well. Let’s work together to help you win.

Succession Planning

Plan now and be ready for the future. It’s never too early to put a succession plan in place. In this offering, we will help analyze your current business model, customer segmentation, revenue attributes and age of customer retention. We help appraise and value your business and we help identify appropriate successors utilizing our broad network of advisors and firms. The best part about this service is that the successor pays our fee, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Board Leadership

Every early stage company has gaps in their operating model. We will join your board to help advise on industry trends, growth execution and key hiring initiatives. In addition, we will help secure capital partnerships and other key alliances to ensure the company is focused on a long-term growth path.